Vehicle Operators and Owners
So you buy your vehicle and you want several options installed like an alarm, say, a tracking device, CCTV, or even a light bar. How do you know it will be fitted to the correct standard? How do find out if it has been fitted to the correct standard? We can help! And… we can help you resolve any issues you may have once you have had a device installed.
Specify a product
We can help with specifying your individual needs for product and the type of install you require
We have a team of independent experts on hand to consult and advise on the best type of device and installation to suit your application
Find an Installer/Converter
So you’ve got the product you want, now who do I ask to fit it?
All of our members will be there to help and your support you through your journey. We will provide you with a list of companies who can provide you with the service you require. We will even point you in the direction of a non-member if they will do the job better.
Right, you’ve had the product installed, and you now want to make sure it’s installed correctly
Look no further! Our team of independent Auditors will look at the install and give you a completely objective report including photographs and a video ,if you require, of the installation and tell you if it meets the specifications and whether it has been installed to the standards.
Dispute Resolution
So you’ve had the device installed, and things have not gone to plan…
We can help and act as independent professional intemediary and offer help and and support to both parties to provide a solution and actions to solve the issues
Our Team
We have carefully chosen independent people from the industry
Our team are industry professionals, and each bring their own angle to the association. But remember, in this association, the members are the boss! So, if you want to take part let us know…
Ian Gillgrass
Operations Director
Iain Ouldershaw
David Paterson
Rob Compton
Platinum Partners
Our Platinum Partners
Gold Partners
Our Gold Partners
Company Partners
Installation Partners
Join the Revolution
Here's just a few of the companies who are pledging to join
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We offer free regular live webinars, please subscribe to join our free member list
Premium Courses
Join our membership package to receive regular training and support and Events to attend
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