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About Us

We are a Non for Profit Association for all Vehicle Installers and Converters, representing individuals and all companies sizes and specialisms. We are focused on improving training, recognition and awareness of the trade and profession.

Jason McComb


Jason started his career in Auto Electrical work as a part time hobby, installing stereos and alarms for his friends and relatives at a very early age. In 1991 he started as an Auto Electrician, installing alarms and bespoke stereos. He received a startup grant from the Prince's Youth Business trust. He has over 30 years’ experience installing electrical equipment into vehicles.In 2008, he became an auditor, and began working for the Federation of Communication Services part time as the scheme manager.In 2009 he started auditing for the Nokia Accreditation Scheme, and was given the role of training new engineers to the scheme.He still regularly works as an auto electrician so he can keep up to date all the innovations that are installed into many vehicles today. 

Ian Gillgrass


Ian spent 10 years working for the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) and was instrumental in developing the successful industry led accreditation model of ATA (Automotive Technician Accreditation), now referred to as IMI Accreditation, which measured skills (competence) but was always seen by employers in the sector as relatively costly. ATA has been successful with over 50,000 individuals achieving recognition.
Ian originally comes from a technical background, both working with vehicle manufacturers and the independent sectors of the automotive industry to develop and deliver technical information into workshops.
He has operated his own successful workshop business as well as working in both the independent, fleet, franchised dealership workshops, all leading from a technical apprenticeship.

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The Committee Members

Stewart Gent

Committee Member

Stewart's career in the  Motor Trade started straight after leaving school in 1983, starting out as a Panel Beater.

The Carphone industry was was in its infancy then. Gradually, carphones became more affordable and began to offer nationwide network coverage.  Stewart saw an opportunity to start Installing Mobile telephones. He was invited to attend and a City and Guilds course which amazingly where he met Jason!.As the industry grew he was then offered to undertake sub contract work for NCF (now The Chameleon Group).

After a few years was offered the employed position of Technical Supervisor. Working his way through the ranks as the business grew, Stewart worked his way up to Group Technical Director. Whilst working at Chameleon, he became Co-Chair of the FCS installers Group, and Stewart assisted in the regular reviews of our industry code of practice, FCS1362 

In 2009 after many wonderful years at The Chameleon Group, Stewart was offered the position of Technical Director of Bury Technologies UK Ltd, based in Fareham on the South Coast. Stewart and his family decided to relocate for a new phase in their lives by the Sea. 

Stewart set up SLICS Technologies Ltd in 2012, shortly after redundancy, to offer installation and consultation services to Telematics and Fleet companies primarily in the South. Stewarts wealth of experience has increased significantly now to include DVR and DVS systems, LED lighting solutions, Leisure battery installations as well as Fleet Management Systems and other Vehicle Tracking solutions. Being a 'hands on type of guy, he actively installs today and is therefore up to date on most of the latest products and innovations being installed today. 

Iain Oldershaw

Committee Member

In 1985 Iain was Field Sales Manager with Aircall Communications responsible for sales of the “new” Cellular Telephones, System 4, PMR, CBRS Two Way Radio and Paging in Scotland and North of England. I decided to go self employed and In Touch Scotland was set up in November 1987 based on sales, installation and repair of all of the above. Initially the focus was on sales with a Motorola cellular dealership being awarded but a lack of mobile installation facilities in Scotland resulted in a need for me to do this in-house. This facility became known by my suppliers and quickly resulted in me becoming the installation service for dealers and airtime companies based in various parts of England along with local prestige vehicle dealerships. Specialist installations of Vodafone Premicell and Data during the 90s followed, Tetra Digital with Dolphin during the early 2000s. Vehicle tracking started to take off and again I became authorised for various companies including Exactrak, Eagle Eye, Fleetmatics, Fleet Trak, Quartix, TomTom, TrakM8, Tracker to name but a few. Before retiring in 2019, due to health issues, my major focus was in the DVS and Onboard Video recording systems.

Peter  Oughton

Committee Member

Pete has been involved in the automotive industry for over 20 years, during this time he has gained a wealth of experience and unparalleled knowledge in Product Development and Strategic Solutions for the entire sector.


Pete is now the Operations Director at Parksafe Group, located in the heart of Derbyshire Parksafe Group have been working with some of the UK and Europe’s largest fleets for over 30 years! Specialising in an extensive spectrum of vehicle and camera safety equipment Pete continues to deliver and oversee Technical Solutions for safety and communications.

Keith Diplock

Committee Member

We are waiting for Keith's profile

Tim Consolante

Committee Member

We are waiting for Keith's profile

Committee Advisors

Rob Compton

Committee Member

Rob had an interest in radio and electronics at an early age, as well as vehicles.
Rob started his career with a Thorn-EMI subsidiary working in a special projects team developing a number of different kinds of technologies. He moved on to Quality Engineering, reaching the level of a Senior Quality Engineer before the company closed at the beginning of the 1990’s. He became self-employed as part of his family’s business in 1992. Moving forwards to the end of the 90’s, he worked briefly in the F1 industry as a Test Team Radio Engineer, responsible for looking after the radio communications between car and pit, and the crew.
In the early 2000’s he started working on contract for ntl’s public safety division, carrying out vehicle installations, and working on system engineering projects. Training with ntl: to their standards for vehicle installation, based on what was then MPT1362, he worked on Police, Fire, and Ambulance projects working with two Police Forces, two Fire Brigades, and three Ambulance Services, working on analogue systems and the Airwave rollout where he was tasked with quality control checks on the Bedfordshire Airwave programme.
As time has gone on, he has worked with military, municipal, and aviation clients, and has branched into Public Address systems.
Being a specialist in Ambulance installations, Rob has fitted thousands of vehicles with Airwave voice and other voice & data equipment since 2001. He has carried out complete vehicle conversions for clients. He is also a specialist in vehicle multi-battery charging systems.
On a consultancy role, Rob has worked with a number of equipment manufacturers, distributors, and service providers for both setting installation standards, and failure analysis.
He became an auditor in 2016.
Rob’s hobbies include Motor racing, where he has raced in numerous championships since the 1990’s, and has worked as a freelance Racing Instructor. He is heavily involved in Amateur Radio where he works with a voluntary group bringing wide area radio coverage to a large part of East Anglia.

Get In Touch with Us

UK Office

138 The Hobbins,

Bridgnorth. WV15 5HH



Bridge House, Riverside North, Bewdley. DY12 1AB

Phone Number




Platinum Partners

Our Platinum Partners 

Auto Marine Cables Ltd - Graphic design
Graphic design - Logo
Clip art - Design
Product - Logo
Graphic design - Product design
Mezi naše partnery Asociace instalátorů vozidel (AVI) patří také online kasina, která hrají zásadní roli při rozšiřování naší sítě. Spolupráce s online kasiny nám umožňuje spojit se s podniky, které jsou nejen inovativní, ale také vysoce zaměřené na poskytování špičkových zákaznických zkušeností. Integrace našich služeb do tohoto sektoru otevírá nové cesty růstu, spojuje odborné znalosti našich montážních firem s efektivitou a technologicky řízeným přístupem online kasin. Jedním z primárních aspektů, díky kterým jsou online kasina přitažlivá pro široké publikum, je jejich závazek poskytovat rychlé možnosti výplat. Dnešní hráči oceňují pohodlí a rychlost a schopnost nabízet rychlé výplaty pomáhá budovat důvěru a podporovat loajalitu zákazníků, o čemž více najdete v Online kasina chápou, že poskytování rychlých a bezproblémových výběrů je zásadní pro udržení konkurenční výhody v odvětví, kde je klíčová spokojenost uživatelů. Naše partnerství to podporuje tím, že zajišťuje, aby všechny systémy zapojené do finančních transakcí fungovaly hladce a efektivně, což přispívá k bezproblémovému hernímu zážitku. Online kasina jsou navíc známá svou schopností inovovat a přizpůsobovat se novým technologiím. Díky partnerství s AVI mohou dále vylepšovat svou infrastrukturu a zajistit, že se službami poskytovanými hráčům, od vytvoření účtu až po výběr, bude nakládáno s přesností a péčí. Tato spolupráce odráží společný závazek kvality, bezpečnosti a spokojenosti zákazníků.
Mezi naše partnery Asociace instalátorů vozidel (AVI) patří také online kasina, která hrají zásadní roli při rozšiřování naší sítě. Spolupráce s online kasiny nám umožňuje spojit se s podniky, které jsou nejen inovativní, ale také vysoce zaměřené na poskytování špičkových zákaznických zkušeností. Integrace našich služeb do tohoto sektoru otevírá nové cesty růstu, spojuje odborné znalosti našich montážních firem s efektivitou a technologicky řízeným přístupem online kasin. Jedním z primárních aspektů, díky kterým jsou online kasina přitažlivá pro široké publikum, je jejich závazek poskytovat rychlé možnosti výplat. Dnešní hráči oceňují pohodlí a rychlost a schopnost nabízet rychlé výplaty pomáhá budovat důvěru a podporovat loajalitu zákazníků, o čemž více najdete v Online kasina chápou, že poskytování rychlých a bezproblémových výběrů je zásadní pro udržení konkurenční výhody v odvětví, kde je klíčová spokojenost uživatelů. Naše partnerství to podporuje tím, že zajišťuje, aby všechny systémy zapojené do finančních transakcí fungovaly hladce a efektivně, což přispívá k bezproblémovému hernímu zážitku. Online kasina jsou navíc známá svou schopností inovovat a přizpůsobovat se novým technologiím. Díky partnerství s AVI mohou dále vylepšovat svou infrastrukturu a zajistit, že se službami poskytovanými hráčům, od vytvoření účtu až po výběr, bude nakládáno s přesností a péčí. Tato spolupráce odráží společný závazek kvality, bezpečnosti a spokojenosti zákazníků.

Gold Partners

Our Gold Partners 

Logo - Violet
Dräger - Draeger, Inc.
Alco Digital Logo

Company Partners

Our Company Partners
Vehicle registration plate - Logo
Design - Graphic design
Graphic design - Product design

Installation Partners

Our Installation Company Partners
Logo - Graphics
Canidae - Dog
AJT Installs Logo
Construction - Scalable Vector Graphics
Logo - Font
Logo - Font
Logo - Graphics
Logo - Graphics
Vertebrate - Symbol
Trademark - Logo
North Wales Police - Dyfed–Powys Police
Titanic Belfast - Graphic design
Logo - Font
Graphic design - Logo
Car - Van
Logo - Product design
Logo - TBD Owen Holland Limted
Radiocoms Systems Ltd - Logo
VUE group - Logo
Graphic design - Logo
VCS Logo
Logo - Product
Clip art - Design
Product - Logo
Kieffer Sanitation - Logo
Graphic design - Logo

Join the Revolution

Here's just a few of the companies who are pledging to join

Ring Carnation logo
Banner - Trademark
Logo - Product

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